010 gebr. DUTZI KR3000 Bodenfräse
020 Baujahr: 1995
030 Arbeitstiefe: 20 cm
040 Heck-Anbau
050 Arbeitsbreite: 3,00 m
050 Spurlockerer
060 Gelenkwelle
070 erf. Zapfwellendrehzal: 1.000 U/min
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--AUCTION MACHINE-- ab-auction
010 used DUTZI KR3000 rotary tiller
020 Year of construction: 1995
030 working depth: 20 cm
040 rear attachment
050 Working width: 3.00 m
050 Track eradicator
060 PTO shaft
070 erf. PTO shaft speed: 1,000 rpm
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990 EUR excl. VAT. - Register for free and bid in this auction.
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ab-auction *Automatic translation from German without guarantee