unben. Dragone Heck- und Seitenmulcher
Serie Road VL
Typ: Road VL 175
1750 mm Arbeitsbreite
2150 mm Gesamtbreite
1350 mm Seitenverschub
20 Hammerschlegel
Dreipunktanbau KAT II
Getriebe 540 U/min
Gewicht: 650 kg
Walterscheid Weitwinkel-Gelenkwelle Road
*** unused/ Unbenutzte Lagermaschine ***
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--AUCTION MACHINE-- ab-auction
unben. Dragone rear and side mulcher
Series Road VL
Type: Road VL 175
1750 mm working width
2150 mm Overall width
1350 mm Side shift
20 hammer flails
Rear attachment
Three-point linkage KAT II
Gearbox 540 rpm
Weight: 650 kg
Walterscheid wide-angle PTO shaft Road
unused/ Unused stock machine
You can bid on these machines
bid online. The starting price is
3.900 EUR excl. VAT. - Register for free and bid in this auction.
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ab-auction *Automatic translation from German without guarantee