gebr. John Deere Allradschlepper
Kabine, Klima, Lüftung, Heizung, Radio
FKH, FZW, Frontlader Quicke Q66,
mit Forstumbau, Forstwinde, Tankschutz,
Zapfwelle 540/1000, EHR,
Bereifung v.600/60 R28, h.650/65 R38
Auf diese Maschinen können Sie
online bieten. Der Startpreis beträgt
39.900 EUR excl. MwSt. - Registrieren
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--AUCTION MACHINE-- ab-auction
used John Deere four-wheel drive tractor
cab, air conditioning, ventilation, heating, radio
front linkage, front PTO, front loader Quicke Q66,
with forestry conversion, forestry winch, tank protection,
PTO 540/1000, electronic linkage control,
tires v.600/60 R28, h.650/65 R38
You can bid on these machines
bid online. The starting price is
39.900 EUR excl. VAT. - Register for free and bid in this auction.
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*Automatic translation from German without guarantee